Heel to Toe
How to Make High Heels More Comfortable

You love your high heels. They make you look like the fashionable career woman you are, and the height boost isn't bad either. But do you find yourself a little extra grumpy on the days you wear them? If your high heels make your feet hurt, it can really affect your mood. But, beauty is pain, right? Maybe not. There are a few proven tips and tricks to help make your current heels more comfortable. Try these on for size!

1. Buy the Right Size

This might seem "obvi", but heels that are even a touch too large or small can affect your comfort. Small heels create areas of pressure and can be extremely uncomfortable, especially if you have any foot swelling due to heat or change in elevation. Heels that are too large can cause rubbing and blisters. So, it's of utmost important that your heels fit properly. This may mean that it's better to put those "half-size too big" kicks back on the clearance rack.

2. Stick to Round Toes

Pointed toe heels seem to come in and out of fashion, but if you have frequent problems with uncomfortable heels, it's best to avoid the pointed or oddly shaped toes. Round-toed heels are more contoured to the natural shape of your toes, thus are bound to extend the amount of time you can wear those heels.

3. Break Them In

You know your favorite old pair of heels, the really comfortable ones? Yeah, that didn't happen overnight. When you buy a cute new pair of heels, it's always tempting to wear them out immediately. Hold up, cowgirl. If you have frequent problems with foot comfort when wearing heels, try easing your way in. Don't go out and wear them to a four hour event or a full work day. Start with walking around the house for an hour or wear them to the grocery store to break them in slowly.

4. Tread Lightly, Girlfriend

We know, we know. You're always in a hurry. But if you are able to slow down and use your leg muscles more as you step, you'll have more control and less weight will fall on those aching feet of yours. Another tip is to take smaller steps. Larger steps put more pressure on your feet and can cause those aches and pains.

5. Get Them Stretched

If you've bought a pair of heels that is too small in a certain area, consider having them stretched to make them more comfortable. There are services online that can professionally stretch your shoes, which we'd recommend if you really love them (and they cost enough to justify this additional expense). There are also ways to stretch them at home, such as putting a sandwich bag of water in them and putting them in the freezer.

6. Use an Insole

There are two basic options when buying an insole. You can purchase a regular "one-size-fits-all" insole, typically made of gel, that conforms to your foot. You can also consider a custom foot insole from a local company who will custom mold it to your foot. The only caveat to this is that the insole could alter the fit of the heel, potentially shifting the hot spots to different areas and not solving the underlying issue.

7. Tape Your Feet

There is a strange trick that we've heard works to make your high heels more comfortable. Apparently, taping your third and fourth toes together not only prevents toe rubbing but makes the shoes more comfortable overall. If you try it, please let us know how it works. Here is an article about taping your toes for high heels.

8. Be Clickless

Now you know we couldn't overlook this one. The Clickless for Stilettos system was designed to prevent the annoying clicking sound that your high heels make. But, an unforeseen benefit of Clickless is that they make high heels more comfortable. Just ask our founder, who is 8 months pregnant and still wears her heels. The heel cap and sole pads soften your step and help you to glide through your day pain-free. Buy Clickless today.

Clickless High Heel Protectors

Do You Hate the Sound of High Heels?

Don't you just hate the sound of high heels clicking? There are some sounds that just stick with us, like fingernails on a chalkboard, the grinding of teeth, and the sound of high heels on a hard surface. Even from an early age, we all have memories of this sound. It's the sound of the principal walking down the hallway. It's the sound of a nervous interviewee entering the office, causing all of the employees to look up. It's the sound that, even in carpeted rooms, often just can't be silenced.

We've all heard this menacing sound before. So, what can be done for those of us who love our high heels but hate the disruptive sound they make? Fortunately, Clickless has created a solution that silences the sound of high heels while protecting them at the same time. And the best part is, they're extremely affordable.

The two-part solution consists of an adhesive sole pad and a color-matching heel protector cap. The heel cap comes in three colors (black, neutral and dark brown) and two sizes (x-small and small). Each package consists of two size variations to ensure the most snug and appealing fit for your high heel stiletto. That's four heel protectors and four sole pads, enough for two pairs of stiletto high heels. Clickless is currently available for stiletto heels, and will soon be available for all different types of heels.

Buy a pair of Clickless for Stilettos today, one for yourself, and one for a friend or co-worker. You'll never have to cringe when walking down a hallway, on a concrete sidewalk, or across a tiled floor again.

Clickless High Heel Protectors

10 Famous Celebrity High Heel Moments

There are so many memorable fashion moments in history, but how often are we actually remembering the shoes that go along with those moments? We'd like to pay a tribute to a few of the more memorable celebrity high heels in the recent (and not-so-recent) past. If we had the chance, we'd give a pair of Clickless for Stilettos to each one of these women and their fashion coordinators.

How can we forget the famous Carrie Bradshaw wedding dress and accompanying head bird? But did you ever get a look at her shoes as she's running away? Kudos to Sarah Jessica Parker for running in those things with what we're guessing is ten pounds of dress bundled up in her arms.

Whether you prefer the classic or the Charlie's Angels redux of today, there's no denying that the angels have some damned good gams. And, my, what cute shoes they have! We bet a pair of Clickless for Stilettos would help the angels be a little more stealth when they're going undercover... not to mention make them a bit more comfortable when they're kicking some ass. Charlie, call us!  

Slippers of glass. Are you kidding me? They might sound good in theory, but Prince Charming really should consider Cinderella's comfort, safety and the racket she'll be making as she dances all over the ballroom. Try Clickless for Stilettos, 
Mr. Charming! 

Ah, yes. How can we forget one of the most famous fashion films of our generation! We think Andy might have had a better time bustling around New York City in stilettos looking for the Harry Potter manuscript if she'd had a pair of Clickless to protect those pricey accessories.

You better shape up! Sandra Dee sure turned up the "wow" factor in Grease when she slipped on a black leather ensemble with red lipstick and heels to match. We love it as much as Danny Zuko. 

Here's where the famous duo of Richard Gere and Julia Roberts began. There are so many great fashion moments from this film. We have to think if old Vivian had a pair of Clickless as she strolled through the hotel in those boots, she might have attracted fewer looks.


What's not to love about blue hair? It screams "fun", but the shoes scream "sexy". Miss Perry sure loves her fashion, and we're sure there'll be plenty more memorable moments in her future.


Oh, Gaga. You never cease to amaze us. We're not sure how comfortable these stilettos are (hence, she is sitting), but we admit we've seen her wear crazier things. Gaga, we'd send you ten pairs of Clickless for Stilettos on the house if you keep on keepin' on pushing the fashion envelope.


This gal looks great in just about anything, and is not afraid to go super tall with her stilettos. Rhianna has had no shortage of memorable fashion moments, but we like this look from her in the December 2010 issue of Marie Claire.


Toni Braxton sure made headlines at the 2001 Grammy Awards with this little number. It seems she was going with the "less is more" theory, including her shoes. Not many people could pull off a look like this, but somehow the girl made it work! We bet those shoes weren't cheap, either. Toni, if you're reading, you can protect your high heels with a pair of Clickless. Call us, girl!


Clickless High Heel Protectors